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Migrating Multi-page Web Applications to Single-page AJAX Interfaces




Recently, a new web development technique for creating interactive webapplications, dubbed AJAX, has emerged. In this new model, the single-page webinterface is composed of individual components which can be updated/replacedindependently. With the rise of AJAX web applications classical multi-page webapplications are becoming legacy systems. If until a year ago, the concernrevolved around migrating legacy systems to web-based settings, today we have anew challenge of migrating web applications to single-page AJAX applications.Gaining an understanding of the navigational model and user interface structureof the source application is the first step in the migration process. In thispaper, we explore how reverse engineering techniques can help analyze classicweb applications for this purpose. Our approach, using a schema-basedclustering technique, extracts a navigational model of web applications, andidentifies candidate user interface components to be migrated to a single-pageAJAX interface. Additionally, results of a case study, conducted to evaluateour tool, are presented.
机译:最近,出现了一种用于创建交互式Web应用程序的新Web开发技术,称为AJAX。在此新模型中,单页Web界面由可以独立更新/替换的单个组件组成。随着AJAX Web应用程序的兴起,传统的多页Web应用程序已成为遗留系统。如果直到一年前,关注点仍旧围绕着将旧系统迁移到基于Web的设置,今天,我们面临着将Web应用程序迁移到单页面AJAX应用程序的新挑战。要了解源应用程序的导航模型和用户界面结构,就是迁移过程的第一步。在本文中,我们将探讨逆向工程技术如何为此目的帮助分析classicweb应用程序。我们的方法使用基于架构的群集技术,提取Web应用程序的导航模型,并标识要迁移到单页面AJAX界面的候选用户界面组件。此外,还介绍了为评估我们的工具而进行的案例研究的结果。



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